1 Thesssalonians 1
1 Thessalonians 3

1 Thesssalonians 2

Someone once said of me that I was the great manipulator and I must admit that that statement affected me deeply.  As a result I spent a great deal of time examining my life, thoughts and actions to see what truth there was to this statement.  I came to the conclusion that they were wrong about me because in my understanding manipulation is the result of trying to get people to do something for my gain and benefit.   But there is a huge difference when you are trying to get people to do something that will benefit them.  The outward actions may look the same but the motivation is completely different.

In today's reading Paul gives us the proper motivation for ministry.  He is not looking for praise or plaudits from people, he is looking to please  God.  His ministry and instruction to the Thessalonians was motivated by love and care for them and where they would spend eternity.  Because of that motivation Paul exhorted, encouraged and affirmed them to live lives worthy of God.  My understanding of exhortation is not just a pleading but a firm hand in helping people do something (in this case what is right and beneficial for them).

If it seems like Paul is pushing them a bit, and if it feels like I am pushing a bit as a Pastor, it is because of what Paul says in verses 19-20.  The truth is you are our glory and joy.  Just as when my children succeed because of good training it brings me great joy so too when the people I pastor are fulfilling God's purposes and plans for their lives it brings me great joy.  No great manipulator here just an intense love and deep care.

My exhortation and encouragement to you is if you care deeply for those close to you then exhort, encourage and affirm them to live lives worthy of God. 
Exhort, encourage and affirm them in reading and studying God's Word, getting involved with God's people in biblical community and,
exhort, encourage and affirm them to give their lives in service to see God's will accomplished on earth as it is in heaven.

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