Galatians 5
Psalm 31

Galatians 6

S: Galatians 6:15- "Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation." O: Paul reminds us that change does not come from the outward-in; but true change comes from the inside-out. U: Let the Holy Spirit work in our hearts and speak to us; and when the Holy Spirit speaks to us, let us be obedient to Him. As a result, not only we, but others as well will see the transformation of Christ in us. L: We try to change others and ourselves by going at it the wrong way (from the outside in). We must submit to God and let Him change us and others from the inside out. That is when true lasting change takes place. Let us be obedient to the Holy Spirit's guidance and see what transformation takes place. We are supposed to be His new creation, caught up in seeking spiritual fulfillment, and not caught up in our old ways, clinging to our sinful desires of the flesh.
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