DAY 18 Power to Heal and Deliver
DAY 20 Power to Demolish Spiritual Strongholds

DAY 19 Power to Guide


During these 28 days, I have two specific things that I’m fasting and praying for.

  1. Renewed Vision. I want God’s guidance for my life, for our church and even for America and the world. I want to know God’s plan. How does God want to shape and transform me this year? What does it look like for God’s kingdom to come in my marriage and parenting this year? What does it look like for God’s kingdom to come in the lives of people who call DSC home? What does it look like for God’s kingdom to come in our city, nation and world? And, what is my role in ushering God’s kingdom in each of those areas?
  2. Renewed Passion. God is zealous and passionate. Jesus was filled with compassion that drove him to heal, preach and minster. Jesus was consumed with zeal for his Father’s house. Passion is not just for young people, but for those of any age who will ask for God’s heart. But in order for God to renew my passion, I have to have the vision to see where he is guiding. It’s the vision that gives me guidance and something worth being passionate about.

Acts 13:2

While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them."

It was in the midst of worshiping (prayer in the form of adoration) and fasting that Barnabas and Saul (the Apostle Paul), received guidance from God. They received new vision for the future as God revealed that he was sending them on a missionary journey.

Luke 6:12-13

One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles:

Before making one of the most important decisions of his ministry, Jesus spent an entire night in prayer. If Jesus the Son of God needed to seek the Father to gain guidance, how much more do we?

Will you join me today in seeking God’s guidance and renewed vision for all the areas of our lives? If you haven't been fasting and stepping it up in prayer, there are still 9 days left. Determine what you will fast today and let's go after God together!

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